
What, How & Why

A few years ago a colleague at work showed me Simon Senik’s Golden Circle. For those not familiar with this concept his famous TED Talks pitch elaborately explains how the really successful companies ‘Start with the Why’. What a company does and How it does it to some degree is overshadowed by purposeful vision statement. 

Like millions of others around the world I was sold on this concept and went back to my team and asked them “what is our why..?”. I think at the time we recalibrated our sales pitch from nuts and bolts features and replaced them with pictures of smiling faces from employees. 

Fast forward a few years I have started my own business so there is a chance to back over the WHAT, HOW & WHY again. 

The vision of creating a company whereby our stakeholders feel like they belong has shaped where we are today. From the outset this is and always will be our WHY we do what we do. The transport industry is renowned as cut throat and chaotic from time to time. With exception to the transactional setbacks we all experience, I do feel we are creating a well considered, stable environment which provides a vocational home for employees and contractors. All bias aside, our customers are happy with our service as day in day out we demonstrate certainty and reliability. 

WHAT we do somewhat defines the boundaries of our value proposition to the market. These boundaries include but are not limited resource allocation, geographical territories, defining services, risk profile etc… As time has progressed I do find myself saying no to certain aspects I would have said yes to at the start of the journey. 

HOW we do business is an interesting topic in the COVID 19 era. We commenced operations 6 months prior to the first major outbreak in March 2020. Like nearly every business we were forced to rethink how to operate in the new world. Our systems, procedures and protocols are now designed for remote working environments initially out of necessity however as time has passed I do feel we created a positive culture as our staff really do like working for the organization with the flexibility of working from home. Coming from a more traditional corporate environment; adapting to create a unique culture which defines us has been rewarding experience.

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georgeWhat, How & Why